Malone Lam, a 20-year-old Singaporean residing in Miami and Los Angeles, and Jeandiel Serrano, 21, from Los Angeles, were arrested by the FBI on Wednesday night for their alleged involvement in a cryptocurrency theft and laundering scheme.
Lam, known online as “Anne Hathaway” and “$$$”, and Serrano, who goes by “VersaceGod” and “@SkidStar”, appeared in court on Thursday.
The duo, along with other conspirators, allegedly gained fraudulent access to cryptocurrency accounts, stealing funds and laundering them through a complex system of exchanges, mixers, peel chains, and virtual private networks (VPNs) to obscure their identities. Peel chains involve a series of small transactions used to launder large sums of cryptocurrency.
The stolen funds were reportedly spent on international travel, luxury items, and rentals in Los Angeles and Miami.
Investigations into the scam are still ongoing.
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