A fight between two teenage girls at the lift landing of an HDB block has drawn criticism after a video of the altercation surfaced online. The footage was posted on SGFollowsAll's Telegram page on Jan. 8, showing the girls grappling as three other teens — two females and a male — looked on.
The male youth, seated on a plastic chair near the lift, appeared to be orchestrating or supervising the fight. It is believed someone else was recording the incident.
The fight began with a girl in a white t-shirt wrestling her opponent, who was dressed in black, to the ground. The girl in white landed several blows, prompting retaliation from the girl in black. Applause followed, with the male youth commenting, "This is what I wanna see."
The roles reversed when the girl in black regained control, dragging her opponent down and striking her in return.
The video sparked widespread criticism. Viewers lamented the apparent normalization of such behavior among youths. While some expressed concerns about an increase in such incidents, others noted that the proliferation of smartphones and social media has made such fights more visible, even if they are not more frequent.
Authorities have not commented on the incident at this time, but the video has reignited discussions on youth behavior and the influence of social media on such antics.
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