Renowned manga artist and creator of the iconic Dragon Ball series, Akira Toriyama, has passed away at the age of 68. His production team confirmed the sad news on Friday (Mar 8), stating that Toriyama died on March 1st due to acute subdural hematoma. Toriyama's Bird Studio expressed deep regret that he had several ongoing projects and plans for future works. Despite his untimely death, Toriyama leaves behind a rich legacy of manga titles and artworks that have captivated audiences worldwide. Dragon Ball, first serialized in 1984, remains one of the best-selling and most influential manga series, spawning numerous anime adaptations, films, and video games. The news of Toriyama's passing has deeply saddened the manga community, with tributes pouring in from fellow creators and fans alike. Eiichiro Oda, creator of One Piece, lamented Toriyama's death as leaving "too big shoes to fill" and expressed profound sadness at the loss. Subdural hematoma, a serious medical...
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